
The history of plant-based medicine is extremely diverse and reflects the rich tapestry of cultural and medical influences worldwide. At Jarabe House, we believe that learning traditional medicine making and incorporating it into our everyday lives empowers individuals to take control of their health. It provides the knowledge base, internal satisfaction, and practical skills to safely create remedies at home, fostering a sense of self-confidence and independence which is so much needed in this world reliant on external sources of gratification.  

Living interconnected with nature means recognizing and embracing the inherent connections between humans and the natural world. Acknowledging that humans are part of a larger ecological system where every living organism, including plants, animals, and microorganisms, plays a role in maintaining balance and sustaining life. It involves understanding that our well-being, both physical and psychological, is intricately linked to the health and balance of the environment. At Jarabe House, our goal is to reconnect people to the wonders of plant-based medicine while promoting a deeper connection with the healing power of nature. Through a combination of educational workshops, hands-on experiences, and community engagement opportunities, we hope to share what we have learned about simplifying our lives, establishing a deeper sense of community, taking responsibility for our health, and doing our part to cultivate a healthier, more sustainable world.

Jarabe House, seeks to reconnect people to plant-based medicine involving both educational and practical experiences. As Jarabe House continues to grow and evolve, we aspire to promote awareness and engagement with plant-based healing.

Education & Workshops:

Jarabe House offers educational workshops or seminars on the benefits of plant-based medicine, covering topics such as herbal remedies, nutritional plants, and traditional healing practices. The goal is to provide information on the science behind plant medicine, showcasing its traditional use in supporting various health concerns.